Thursday, July 30, 2009

8 Things!

8 things I am looking forward to:
1. Quit my job and start school at UVU

2. Skiing and Starbucks hot apple cider in the winter
3. Camping this weekend!
4. No comment.
5. No comment.

6. No comment.
7. No comment.
8. Yes, some things need to be kept as a secret sometimes.

8 things I did this weekend:
1. July 24th party
2. Lagoon with my awesome friends
3. Church
4. Dinner at my sister’s beautiful house
5. Laugh
6. Watched a movie
7. Rode on a friend’s motorcycle
8. Livin’ my life

8 things I wish I could do:
1. Fly
2. Drink Mountain Dew Voltage ten times daily and not let it affect my health

3. Not getting scared when I become emotionally involved with someone
4. Read minds
5. Have millions of dollars in the bank and play all the time and help others
6. Steal my dad’s car and go on a long road trip with someone
7. Rob all clothes at Forever 21 without getting caught
8. The ability to rewind, fast forward or pause life

8 shows I watch:
1. I hate TV so instead, I’ll tell you my favorite movies.
2. The Notebook
3. Curious Case of Benjamin Button
4. Calamity Jane
5. Italian Job
6. Sandlot
7. Hitch
8. I HATE HATE Transformers 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 places I'd like to travel:
1. Tahiti
2. Italy
3. China
4. Paris
5. Switzerland
6. Scotland
7. Ireland
8. Fiji

8 things I am grateful for:
1. My blackberry!

2. Brooklyn and Jaxson
3. My rad parents
4. People in my life
5. The plan of salvation
6. Mountain Dew Voltage
7. My $6 ring. It’s my favorite!
8. My life.

Friday, July 24, 2009

HAPPY JULY 24th! I will post pictures soon, I promise!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Today is the first day this summer I hung out outside in my swimsuit with my neice, nepew, sister, brothers, and everyone else! I love summer!! I am going fishing soon then to a sleepover party! Again, I love love summer! I finally found my camera charger so I'll start taking more pictures!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I don't even know how to describe my deep appreciation for those dear people in my life right now. I truly love them to death. I stayed awake til 5:30 in the morning chatting with my really good friend Kayla and what a great listener she is! I appreciate her more than ever right now. I am also thankful for everyone else in my life. I try my best to show you all my genuine love.